I’m all for saving time and taking shortcuts. When you first start to get into Home Assistant, you’ll be logging into your command prompt using Putty a lot. Here is a simple shortcut that will automatically log you into your Raspberry Pi.

  1. Right click on the Putty.exe program and click “Create Shortcut”
  2. Right click on the shortcut you created and click “Properties”
  3. In the “Target” field, you should see your path to Putty.exe, at the end of that you can insert the following:

You will need to fill in your own information in the areas that are in all caps. The default user for a Raspberry Pi is “pi” and the default password is “raspberry”. If you have not done so already, please consider changing your default password.

I’ve provided a full example of the target field below.

C:\putty.exe pi@ -pw hunter2
